My Greatest Fear is Inevitable
This work contemplates the uncertainty that the artist faces when bringing a work to fruition, and the anxiety of sending personal meaning into the world, with a knowledge that it will likely be misinterpreted and possibly remain entirely inaccessible to the viewer.
In an effort to emphasise the notion of an indecipherable message, this work is executed in audio-visual format. With time as an element, the individual signs play out to the viewer, suspending them within the context of viewing a message - and one that they will likely not interpret by the message end.
In this format the work's meditative quality is enhanced, and it becomes a fully fledged contemplation of the limitations of language, and the idea of the artwork as semiotic threshold.
My Greatest Fear is Inevitable, My Greatest Fear is that I will be Misunderstood, 2012; Single-channel digital film, 2mins 30sec